Janine Wilkins
Certified Personal Trainer CPT, AFAA
508-733-7555 (cell)
Got Fit?
A well rounded fitness program incorporates strength, cardio, and flexibility training, along with a healthy diet. Join me for a total body conditioning program that will develop your strength, cardio-respiratory system, and flexibility. We also have group discussions about nutrition that allow us to share ideas and learn from each other. You’ll learn what to eat and not to eat for breakfast, fast lunch ideas on the run, and how to prep delicious, healthy dinners for the family on those busy nights, and more. I have a blog that is a good source on nutrition as well. Check it out at….. http://gotfit-janine.blogspot.com.
In this program we are not lifting weight to grow big muscles, we are training movements through a workout focusing on endurance and Functional Fitness; exercises that help you move easier through your everyday life. These workouts incorporate resistance training, core conditioning, cardio, circuit training, flexibility, agility and balance work and are designed to burn more calories both during the workout and for sometime after. Individual fitness levels are irrelevant. Anything and everything can be modified to effectively challenge you at your own level. The camaraderie and non-competitive, and, yes, fun atmosphere will keep you inspired! The small group concept affords you an opportunity to work closely with a Personal Trainer at group pricing.
Well conditioned muscles help protect against injuries. They aid in shock absorption, protecting joints. By losing fat and gaining muscle, you will burn more calories, even at rest. Learn useful exercises that you can do at home to keep your body healthy and strong in a fun environment with your peers. You may even be ready for that road race you said you always wanted to do. Embrace a healthy lifestyle….You’ll feel better, have more energy, and be happy that you took some time for yourself.
DATES: Tuesdays and Thursdays Oct 28th through Dec 16th
TIME: 9:30-10:30
PLACE: Pond St Fields, Norfolk, weather permitting. Inside at St Jude’s if cold/raining
WHAT YOU NEED: 5 and 8 lb dumbbells, a resistance band, and a mat
COST: $105 for once a week/$210 for twice a week.